Fostering a Culture of Inclusion Through Engaging Learning Experiences

Fostering a Culture of Inclusion Through Engaging Learning Experiences

Diversity and inclusion are core principles at The Second City, and we strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where all people feel empowered to be themselves, be passionate, and freely share their ideas.

We are proud to co-create our Inclusion programming with DEI experts - the same experts who have supported us on our journey to becoming an anti-racist institution - so we know first-hand the efficacy of their approaches.

By teaching people to listen actively, collaborate, and cater their message to their audience, we’re helping companies build a workplace culture where everyone’s opinions and concerns are valued. We drive these behavioral changes through engaging learning experiences and a series of different modalities:

Real Biz Shorts

Real Biz Shorts is a library of short-form video content that leverages humor to introduce Diversity + Inclusion topics in low-stakes settings. By strategically using humor, we are able to use real-world examples to stimulate conversation on sensitive topics. Our 90-second vignettes create connection with your audience, as they watch our actors navigate confusing, and sometimes hairy situations.

  • The shorts can be used as education and awareness tools, conversation starters, and learning-refreshers to reinforce thinking and behavior changes.
  • We can also custom tailor these videos to address specific concerns at your company and include messaging and action items that are relevant to your employees.

It is important to note that Inclusion work requires honest, vulnerable, and often uncomfortable conversations. These shorts should not be used to replace those, but rather to introduce them from a different perspective, and in doing so invite more people into the conversation.

READ: 6 Best Practices to Build and Sustain an Inclusive Workplace

Scenic Keynotes + Interactive Workshops

In improvisation, the key to a successful ensemble is inclusion. Each person has a vital role to play in supporting the group, and it is up to everyone to make sure each member feels welcomed and celebrated for the ideas, backgrounds, and perspectives they bring.

In our Inclusion keynotes and workshops, The Second City brings the philosophies that make for a successful stage ensemble to the corporate setting. By actively listening to each other, creating space to share personal stories, and appreciating differences, we can begin to learn how to collaborate with inclusion.

  • Our keynotes are designed for large-group foundation-setting. Our writers will create custom scenes about your organization that hold up a mirror to the current state and invite conversation on possibilities for change and growth.
  • Our small-scale, interactive workshops are designed to allow teams to practice the skills of inclusion in low-stakes environments. This reduces tension and resistance, and opens the gateway for productive dialogue.

Inclusion and Belonging Webinars

WATCH: Tips & Tools for a More Inclusive Workplace
WATCH: Leading with Authenticity: The Key to a More Inclusive Culture
WATCH: Being Other-Focused: Inclusion Strategies for a Virtual World
WATCH: Turning Uncomfortable Conversations Into Inclusive Behaviors

Going through a DEI transformation? Want to learn how our engaging learning experiences can support awareness, retention, and understanding of your important inclusion policies and practices? Contact our team.