The Role of Storytelling in Addressing Ethics and Compliance Risks

The Role of Storytelling in Addressing Ethics and Compliance Risks

Stories inform, entertain, and inspire.

When it comes to compliance learning, stories can spark interest, convey training information in an engaging way, and make messages more memorable. Learn how storytelling can increase understanding of complex issues, bring ethics and compliance messages to life, and create change inside your organization.

Plus, see storytelling in action with a sneak peek of our latest videos addressing top risks. Learn new ways to educate employees about challenges such as how to avoid phishing traps and how to offer business courtesies without creating the appearance of an attempt to influence business decisions.

In this on-demand webcast, you’ll also learn about:

• A four-step process for ethical decision-making
• A proven framework for better storytelling
• New videos and tools that educate and raise awareness of risk areas such as Bribery and Phishing

Get the deck here.

Want to learn more about how humor can support awareness, retention, and understanding of your important inclusion policies and practices? Contact our team.