Storytelling Your Way to Closing More Deals

Storytelling Your Way to Closing More Deals

Ditch the script and close. More. Deals.

How, you ask? Why, storytelling of course!

(Cue eye roll)

We know, we know. “Storytelling” is a big buzzword these days. According to HBR, storytelling is the key component of sales success. The LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL found that prospective clients will retain 70% of the information they hear in the form of a story – vs only 10% they hear as facts and figures.

But, how do you take storytelling from interesting concept to effective tool?

Here at the Second City, we know a little something about putting comedy principles into action – harnessing the power of improv to communicate collaboratively and tell great stories. Script-free. Join us as our creative team discusses the process of integrating improv into your sales stories, pitches, and funnel.

In this webinar, you will:

• Learn more about The Second City’s approach to storytelling and collaborative communication – geared specifically for sales.

• Discover how to put these frameworks into action.

• See a demonstration of exercises developed by the agility experts at The Second City.

Want to learn more about The Second City's sales training workshops? Contact us