Developing Leadership At Every Level Webinar

Developing Leadership At Every Level Webinar

Right now employees everywhere are being asked to step up, be agile, and practice resilience. In these rapidly changing times of uncertainty, people need to know how to give clear, kind feedback while staying connected and engaged.

In this webinar, Kelly Leonard, Executive Director, Learning and Applied Improvisation at Second City Works, discusses the key skills for the future of work. As leaders are being asked to execute at every level of our organizations, and from remote locations, improvisation, uniquely, provides opportunities to playfully practice leadership skills that speak to individuals, teams and organizations - promoting behaviors that are highly collaborative, inclusive, and resilient.

In this recorded webinar, you'll learn:

  • How improvisation is a practical tool for leadership in times of crisis
  • The underlying behavioral science that supports an improvisational approach
  • Leadership stories of Tina Fey, Stephen Colbert and Keegan-Michael Key
  • Takeaway practices you can implement right away at home and at work

Want a copy of the deck? Email us.